Sides of the North – A Path Above the Highest Dimension

February 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Spirit World

Modern physics points to the reality of other dimensional existences, and this demonstrates that what we flippantly call the spirit world exists not as an unreal ‘ghostly’ realm, but a series of very real dimensions – some more real than the subatomic – electromagnetic dance of the “material world.”

The Bible challenges the superstitious belief of a purely ethereal spirit world by setting up a heirarchy of realms. For example there is Sheol (the abode of the dead), the Earth, Heaven, and the very highest- the throne and mountain of God.

The the Bible speaks of the Sides of the North as being a holy realm, which is above all and something our physical mind cannot understand – a completely transcendent place.   It is far more than a mountain; in fact the great mountains of the earth are only limited “models” or facsimiles to Zion, like the way a simple paper airplane “models” a greater reality of a super-jumbo airliner.

Psalm 48:1-2
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised In the city of our God, In His holy mountain.

Beautiful in elevation, The joy of the whole earth, Is Mount Zion [on] the sides of the north, The city of the great King.

The archangel who rebelled against God pledged in his pride to ascend to this realm:

Isaiah 14:12-15
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!

For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’

Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit.

Instead of the dimension above all dimesions, God casts this being into the lowest abode.

The Bible has much to say about the landscape of the complex hierarchy of the multidimensional realm that is unseen to us, yet affects nearly everything on this earth, from personal lives to geopolitical realities. Above all this reality is God, who sent his son to redeem us lowly humans from being continual victims of the forces of darkness and of death itself.


28 Comments on "Sides of the North – A Path Above the Highest Dimension"

  1. carol king on Sun, 1st Mar 2009 1:20 pm 

    Interesting except for that last part. How can humans be lowly if we are made in the image of GOD? We are wonderful Beings of Light! Unfolding in a marvelous Universe created for us to learn in! Lowly shmoly! Think of Jesus? Would He have called any of his followers “lowly”? No, he called them beloved, children of God, etc. Sincerely with blessings of Light, Love and Joy, carol

  2. drywind on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 7:42 am 

    Thanks for the comment.
    Yes as the ancient text called the Bible indicates we were made in the image of God, but we fell. Adam and Eve are not mythological creations, but they were in a pre-fallen state. They likely had great power and dimensional capability. However, once they rejected God, all subsequent humans are distanced from God.
    God in his infinite Love sent himself in the form of a man, Yeshua, to die and make a way for us to return to the image of God. By the resurrection of Yeshua we have a free gift of eternal life. Our old bodies will die, but we will live again not as spirits, but as new creations in Christ.

    I invite you to reject all the cultural garbage around Christianity and look at it in a new light.

  3. Without A Doubt on Thu, 2nd Apr 2009 7:25 pm 

    Dear Drywind~ A wonderful Holy Spirit led response. I feel it deeply.
    Dear Carol~ All the “Light, Love, and Joy” that you reference Carol, is most likely part and parcel of that old theosophic occult stream transformed into New Age shifting paradigm consciousness. From Blavatsky, Bailey, and Hall to Spangler, Tolle and Creme. From ascended masters and spirit guides to channeled beings. From new world servers to blessed light workers under the metaphysical auspices of any disembodied “Ramtha” or “Kryon.” Indeed the false “Light” of Gnosticism will never be THE Light…and above all else, the infinite Love that is Yahweh/Yeshua, Creator and Gracious Savior of all who hear His voice.

  4. David Dansker on Thu, 10th Dec 2009 8:22 pm 

    Always good articles. I looked, but am I missing your “contact” page? Its nice to be able to email the author sometimes,


  5. Biggs on Wed, 17th Feb 2010 2:04 pm 

    Can man look upon God the Father and live? And if not why not?

  6. drywind on Sat, 6th Mar 2010 4:36 pm 

    Before God’s son, Yeshua (Jesus) came, no human could see God and live. Moses asked God show him his face and God said in Exodus 33:20:

    But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

    However in the verse before this (Exodus 33:19), God gives a big clue that man could see God someday, via God’s great compassion:

    And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

    The reason humans could not see God was because of sin, we all fall short of the glory of god – this includes everyone – from criminals to preachers. It does not matter how good your are in human terms.
    However, God had so much compassion on us that he sent his most precious thing – the part of himself known as The Son – Jesus, to die a brutal death on a Roman cross after a hard life of 33 years on this earth. If you accept his son’s free gift of eternal life, you will do better than just seeing God, he will live inside you! In John 17:26 Jesus prays to his father:

    I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

  7. Kelvin on Sun, 16th Oct 2011 5:10 am 

    After finding out that heaven was in the north even though I know I do not have to, I always try and face to the north at the beginning of each day when I pray. I also like having my bed facing the north with my head at the south when I am resting.

    As far as being lowly in the eyes of Jesus we are lifted up and of great value to Him and His Father… I do not think that we should think of ourself as less or others as less even when we are still in an unregenerate state… thinking of ourselves as less will not help us or anyone else to come to Jesus for salvation… Jesus clearly said that those to whom the Word of God came are gods… many of us glibly say we are made in the image of God but few of us realize that makes us gods with a small g… it is not new age it is Bible truth… what new age fails to realize is that even though we are gods we are walking in death unless we believe on Jesus and follow Him… all sinners are gods no matter how lost they are as they are making their own moral choices leading them to death… the Gospel that Jesus preached was not to declare to people that they are lowly and evil and in need of reformation or lifting up… He declared that He was Life and we are dead and in need of Him the only source of Life… the Gospel declares that we are dead and lost without Jesus… Jesus also declared that no man has seen the Father at any time except the Son who reveals Him… throughout all of eternity even if we are able to look upon the Father… who is greater than all… it will only be by the grace of Jesus. I am not sure why we use the word fall when talking about adam and eve disobeying Gods command in the garden of eden… this “fall” is a man made word and theology… man did not fall he rebelled… big difference… it is a lie that man fell down and is broken and in need of fixing… this is a lie that the devil himself is spreading to psychologically to prepare the whole world to accept the help of the antichrist to make us and the world a better place… the devil is always trying to offer us information, choices and pleasures that cater to a dead spirit and psyche that looks to be more like God when in fact we are already like God but we are dead… this is the whole reason Eve rebelled… she was deceived into thinking she was not already like G-d and that God was lying to her and with holding something from her that in some way would make her better and would be pleasing to her… Adam on the other hand rebelled knowingly he was not deceived… it is not stated in Scripture to my knowledge why adam rebelled we might surmise that he did so because of emotional attachment to Eve… the Gospel is not about simply lifting us up from a low place to a higher one… it is about giving us Life because we are dead… the Gospel is about turning to God to receive Life through His Son Jesus and to once again walk in fellowship and obedience to God… many of us accept so much of what we read or hear taught and preached without studying the Bible for ourselves in its context and with the help of the Holy Spirit who is here to guide us into all Truth.

    The Gospel in no way is about belittling or condemning man. All that really matters is that we are dead and unless God quickens us through His Son and we live a truly godly and holy life through obedience to Him we will miss Heaven. Jesus is the way to The Father and to Heaven… and in fact Jesus is Heaven itself!

    Below are some links of people who have visited Heaven and returned to share with believers and to exhort others to Jesus. Some also where taken to Hell and saw the holy judgement of G-d on sin.

  8. drywind on Sun, 16th Oct 2011 10:04 pm 

    Hi Kelvin.
    Thanks so much for your comments.
    My article was in no way suggesting that heaven is actually positioned in the Earth’s North. The “sides of the north” in the Bible suggests a much, much higher place than anything our physical realm can contain. As far as the accounts of people that have claimed to have visited heavenly or Hates realms – perhaps, but the apostle Paul note in his own visit (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) that he saw things that no words or human thought could contain. I like to retain a bit of healthy skepticism for these accounts for folks that have a great deal to say about a dimension that our current Earthly minds cannot contain. Without Christ, we would never be able to reach this place.

  9. Jeffrey on Mon, 9th Apr 2012 3:25 am 

    Isaiah 14: 12-17 is a reference to the man who was the King of Babel. The king is called “Lucifer” which is a Latin term and reference from the Jerome translation (the Latin Vulgate) which means light bearing. A paraphrasing of Isaiah 14:12 would indicate “How art thou fallen from on high, who was shinning among the sons of men as the star of Venus among the stars”. The archangel you refer to is a spiritual being. Apparently “Lucifer” is a synonym ascribed to this archangel whose name is Satan, however, who is not “Lucifer” as the reference is of a physical being even though the synonym is a fit description of the antichrist.As you have indicated, how can a physical being know the spiritual realm and describe that realm according the description and limitation of man’s words. I am left wondering then, what is meant by: “I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation”…(in the sides of the north:) Isaiah 14:13.

  10. drywind on Mon, 16th Apr 2012 5:48 pm 

    Thanks Jeffrey. I appreciate your conversation. One of my points here is that the distinction between physical and spiritual is very blurry. Angelic beings are perfectly capable, as indicated by in many passages in the Bible, of operating in what we call the physical realm. Lot would never have escaped Sodom if it were not for two very spiritual angels operating with ease in our reality.

  11. Bernadette on Fri, 29th Jun 2012 7:48 am 

    Well first off I don’t know why my gravatar I just made isn’t showing up. Anything that is supposed to happen when it comes to the computer and it’s programs just doesnt work for me:’-{
    I just wanted to say that your article was very interesting 2/2/09 Drywind. I’m used to thinking of myself and the rest of the human race as unworthy traders that are not good enough to speak the name of JESUS. But we really are special to GOD, and it fills your soul with gladness to hear that.
    It doesn’t matter what your past sins were, JESUS LOVED YOU AND DIED FOR YOU. So that we can fellowship with HIM and the FATHER. What a wonderful piece of knowledge to possess. GOD BLESS you and yours, and thank you for such a special post.

  12. Rodney on Sun, 30th Dec 2012 12:23 am 

    i wanted to say as a born again christian that i believe that we made in his image with a body, soul and a spirit. We are Gods (jesus’s)bride as a unit with god himself (the Holy spirit seal in us) dwelling inside (like the dry bones of Ezeikiel come alive)as well as everywhere at once. This makes us and honorary equal as far as blessing him and fellowship for ever with him in our individuality and unity(as your baby blesses you) while never approaching being actually being God individually but being able to merge with him on some levels. or he wouldn’t call us his bride. He will always be everything and eternally all. He alone made us and keeps the universe(creation) and realms beyond functioning. Always the father to us babies. Always the creator of his own bride. infinitely above us and yet fathoms deep within us at once. Our major service to him being to love him and rejoice and praise perpetually and without effort as he awes us daily with his endless wonders, love and fellowship, thereby satisfying him with our response. I think of my daughter, tearing up and smiling as she looks down, with love for her infant. He gurgles and giggles in response to her voice and countenance. I hope I’m not sickeningly mussy to anyone. But I believe the new bodies are for this purpose. so that we may enjoys and endure his everlasting awesome blessings and embrace with out being consumed. god Bless.

  13. drywind on Wed, 9th Jan 2013 11:36 pm 

    Thanks Rodney. Wonderful insight into the Love of Christ.

  14. David on Wed, 16th Oct 2013 11:30 am 

    As to the question about seeing Yahweh’s face:
    The Talmudim (disciple) Phillip made a request of Yeshua to show them the Father and that would be sufficient to meet their needs. Yeshua replied, “Have I been with you such a long time and you haven’t known me, Phillip? He that has seen me has seen the Father and now you ask, show us the Father? JOHN 14:8-9
    Paul reminds us that we now see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now what we know partially we shall then then know even as we are also known. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:12
    I, personally, am looking forward to seeing my Adonai and Messiah, Yeshua face to face. That, for me, will be the same as beholding the face of Yahweh.

  15. danny on Thu, 24th Oct 2013 8:21 am 

    I’ve really enjoyed the discussions here. We all on the same page. The end of Jesus’ obedience to the Father is that he has restored man back to the class of God. As he said in Psalm 82;6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. However, we see in verse 5 that the lack of knowledge of man’s true identity result in what he said in verse 7, “But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.” ‘Like men’, meaning they are not men, but (being gods) their unawareness of their identity reduces them to the class of men.
    The Bible says, of His own will begat he us with the word of truth,… and again in 1Peter 23 it says ” Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” As new creations, we trace our very nature and identity from the Word of God. You are what God’s Word says you are, you have what He says you have and you can do what He says you can do. As He is so are we in this world, not subject to the rudiments of this world.
    This is what Christ achieved for us and tasked us to tell the world what he did and what we have become as a result of what he did. And if any man should believe and say YES to Jesus, his new identity is fashioned after the Creator.
    Bless be God.

  16. micah on Sat, 6th Jun 2015 8:17 am 

    Paul says to live a meek and lowly life and yes i know we are heirs to the throne but i had a carwreck where i was taken through the valley of the shadow of death which is the great gulf spoken of between hell and paradise . I was before yeshua and i wasnt standing before him i was curled up in a fetal position at his feet because his presence is the most dreadfull shamefull soul piercing event that can happen. I knew that i was wrong and if he sent me to hell right then i would agree with him no arguing or anything. But the only thing that made that bareable was his love . It was like swimming in a ocean of love and bliss. So much so when he told me i had to go back ,i was in his arms and was fighting him begging him as a child does on their first day of preschool begging and screaming crying so hard i was drooling on him begging him not to send me back but he said i had too much to do that i had to go back. He was about 6’7 – 6’10 he was big enough to hold me as a child and im 5’6 so he was big. But you wouldnt be standing up if he walked into the room you would be on your face as i was horrified and you wont move from that position until he touches you and gives you the strength to be in his presence. Im not wanting to argue i just have been dead and back and in his personal bubble in his arms and where we should be bold about our christian lives we cant stand in his presence until our dirt suit has fallen off and salvation is made complete and our glorified bodies are given to us.

  17. micah on Sat, 6th Jun 2015 8:20 am 

    I didnt say that right. You cant stand in his presence unless he touches you and allows you to stand . Sorry

  18. micah on Sat, 6th Jun 2015 8:31 am 

    Also we wont be able to sit in his throne with him unless we are overcomers. What qualifies you to be a over comer ? The word of your testimony the blood of the lamb and loving not your own life even unto death. So we dont get that privalige unless we are martyrd by the antichrist for not taking the mark and worshipping him or his image. Those resurrected at his second coming will only be the ones who gave their life for him as it says right here. It says thats the 1st resurrection so how can the rapture be pretrib because it clearly says that the 1000 year reign is the rapture or 1st resurrection. And those who were raised with him on the 3rd day were the 1st fruits and it was a fleshly resurrection because they arent still alive today their in heaven. Revelation 20

     1  And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

     2  And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

     3  And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

     4  And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

     5  But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

     6  Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

  19. Rodney Henderson on Sun, 5th Jul 2015 1:44 am 

    june 2015 Hello Dry wind; sorry I just rediscovered this site. I’ve finished and published my book. it’s called “The angry eye of God.” The basic premise is that the supper massive black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy is the Biblical “Lake of Fire” . I want science buffs and everyone else to know it’s a reality, God Jehovah is real , and the bible is supernatural. I used video info of secular scientists like Hawking, Kaku, Susskind,Lanza and compared it to bible passages to prove it. Armed with just the notion of this eternal prison existing I’ve been able to lead strangers on the street to Jesus in a few minutes. The apologist and my pastor have accepted it but are not to interested. I just wanted them to use it in their talks. I just want to spread the news and help. I have a theory that Hell is a mini-worm hole between the Bermuda triangle and the dragon triangle. I speculated also on Heaven within Orion Nebular also. These three all have black holes which I believe to be portals through the three Heavens (dimensions) the bible speaks of. I learned a lot about the Quantum world from the many conjunctions of science and the bible –all revealed by Jehovah God . I’ve speculated much on the “sides of the north, the pit” and even discovered that “outer darkness” is another way of saying black hole using Strongs exhaustive Concordance. This all to say that these words seem to mean a portal and or pocket or recess out side of this universe that was made for our testing (for worthiness to be perfected for eternal life in God. I now believe quantum particles/waves, Gravity, dark matter , the galactic membrane of this universe and beyond is our God. He has given these unbelieving scientists understanding of things they could not know, that they might acknowledge Him and be saved. The quantum world is a vail of which we can only see electrons, light photons, and feel gravitons and so forth. I go into God’s purposes and true born again christianity, ufos and many other things with a boldness inspired by God and urgently desiring that folks read it before they perish, since I am 100% sure that the Rapture and the Tribulation period is this September (2 months from now.). Please go to or book and get my book . It’s almost ready for Amazon Kindle readers. I suspect Tribulation sants might benefit from it but would like you to read it because I feel we think alike.

  20. enoch on Thu, 7th Jan 2016 4:16 am 

    I find it strange how you’re quoting Scripture and right beside it you post a picture of a NASA computer generated image which we are suppose to believe is “outer space”, and you’re alluding to as the possible domain of this fantasy fairy land of God. The Bible states, as you even quoted.. Zion is the “joy of the whole earth” (meaning it is in fact located on Earth). “Mount Zion, on the sides of the north”, again it is stating that Zion is right here on earth and it is located in the far north. “I will also sit on the mount on the farthest sides of the north”, again, the northernmost part of the earth. Btw, NASA’s outer space doesn’t have direction! Up until a few hundred years ago maps (including even those from Mercator) always depicted the lands located in the north pole, including a huge mountain. Now, that’s all been erased and it’s only shown as barren. God tells us PLAINLY where his city is, which will soon be revealed. And He also stated where His throne is, above the center of the earth. If you are insinuating that is instead in some galaxy far far away, or that it is in some dimension on the other side of a black hole somewhere you are choosing the lies of man over the word of God, and you are twisting Scripture to do so. If this is your believe then it is, but don’t further brainwash others with this foolishness.

  21. drywind on Tue, 19th Jan 2016 8:25 pm 

    Thanks for your interest. First off the image is not computer generated, it is an actual image of the Lord’s cosmos from the Hubble space telescope. (I’m not saying the image is Zion for heaven’s sake). Yes there is a Zion on the earth AND there is also a heavenly element I feel too. I am not alone in this assertion and good conservative scholars agree.
    If the fallen one desires to ascend this place above the stars, it is clearly more than just Zion on Earth.

    Isaiah 14:12-15
    “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
    For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’

  22. Tony conrad on Wed, 20th Jan 2016 3:53 am 

    I don’t know if this is relevant but the sacrifices of the old testament always had to be performed on the north side of the alter. Apparently Golgotha or the Place of the Skull was north of the exisiting temple. Might be irrrlevant but interesting. We are told these are pictures of the true in heaven. Whether anything is in line with the north pole I don’t know but it is interesting that the earth spins from the equator which would leave the north pointing in a permanent position.

  23. Donna on Sat, 3rd Dec 2016 5:44 am 

    This explains what God showed me about the Northern lights ..psalm 48 :2

  24. ryan on Fri, 10th Feb 2017 12:52 pm 

    Great post and I am impressed with the tone of consideration and politeness in all (most) of the comments; well done folks!
    I just wanted to emphasize that
    1. We are Created in the image and likeness of God, Elohim,
    male and female, in His image…
    2. We rebelled -and had some knowledge which, in our sin-polluted state would have been disasterous for us and all so Our Abba said; from dust you were made and to dust you will return.’
    3. thus, we have a high-birthright redeemed by Yahshua Messiah, Our Adonai, Emmanuel… yet he wasn’t impressed with humans in our broken/rebellious state; He said, “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will Our Father in Heaven give you The Holy Spirit if you ask…” ALSO, He said of some who died tragically, “you will all die likewise unless you repent!”

    So, I agree with the person who described their experience of being in the accident and dying…and meeting Our Good Shepherd; Fear of the Lord (Holy terror and reverence and awe)tempered and transformed into bliss only by His Grace…

    It’s a paradox, we are His children, gods, in a respect, via Him…and yet we are just dust and a breath, as The Bible also says… HalleluYah!!!!!!!!

    Also, some were reprimanded for being too big for their britches (proud and presumptuous ) : “Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Because your heart is lifted up And you have said, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods In the heart of the seas’; Yet you are a man and not God, Although you make your heart like the heart of God–
    That’s from Ezekiel 28…

    Blessings and Shalom in Yahshua, may we “hear His voice, be known by Him, and follow.”… and get to be in Zion someday with Him…even if just as a doorkeeper, as David said!

    “Better is one day in your courts than thousands (elsewhere)!”

    And… Yes, there are cases of multiple layers of fulfillment/existence: There was an earthly sanctuary, and a heavenly one according to Torah…and the book of Heberews… it could also be the same for Zion and ‘The sides of the north”

  25. drywind on Fri, 10th Feb 2017 5:53 pm 

    Thanks Ryan for your comment. Great reference to Psalm 84. The concept of the Temple Sanctuary as a type or shadow of Christ is amazing,

  26. Randy Mitchell on Tue, 7th Mar 2017 12:55 pm 

    I was looking for the “sides of the North” in the geography around Jerusalem. A verse you quoted seems to say Mount Zion, (being on od the seven hills of Jerusalem) is on the North side of the city. That being said, we can begin to see how the highest heaven is ordered: with the Tabernacle in the center, and going out from there to the seven hills.

  27. Marilyn on Thu, 21st Jun 2018 8:05 am 

    Just wondering about Ezek 8 with its references to the north. The LORD speaks in Ezek 6:9 of how He has “been broken” over the people’s idolatrousness. In chapter 8 He gave the prophet a vision of what was going on in the temple in that regard.

    The book of Hebrews is an astounding weaving of the truth of how Jesus, as God’s representative man, fulfills the temple worship on our behalf. Read it. Memorize it. Meditate on it. God is truly wonderful. He alone is worthy of our worship.

  28. Rob on Tue, 8th Mar 2022 6:23 am 

    For those who seem offended at our smallness before God; consider the words of Jesus. Luke 17: 7-10
    7 But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, go and sit down to meat?
    8 Ans will not rather say unto him, make ready wherewithal I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
    9 Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I tore not. (Trow = the strongest possible negation. )
    10 So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you, say, we are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.
    This is offensive to the carnal mind. But His words they are Spirit and they are life.
    The Lord Jesus made himself of no reputation, in this He found no sense of shame or loss. His delight is was and ever shall be to do His Fathers will. And He is our head, and our rightful place is at his feet. No shame, Honor Him and we honor the Father. New age doctrine is not new, it stems from Nimrod and Semaris, it is the folly of the fall. “Ye shall be as Gods”.
    God places His glory in everything He creates. From the tiniest mountain flower to greatest stars in the heavens. Lucifer was perfect until he looked at the glory he had been given by God. He may be the most glorious being God had created, he certainly is of a high order. But as glorious as he is his glory is but a drop in the ocean that is God Most High. Our me centered gospel is not the gospel of the kingdom. If any doctrine makes much of man it is false. We with all created things are created for His glory.
    There are physicists that are coming to Christ because the evidence for intelligent design is increasing everyday. He is not a God far off in some distant heaven. He is not indifferent, He is actively performing His strange act in this earth age. When He is finished the mystery of inquiry will be closed. Everyone’s will bow willingly not from fear or compulsion. David had the right perspective in Psa 19, ‘Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: the. Shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent of the great transgression.

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