The Upcoming Great Deception
February 26, 2007 by stephen yulish
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
Special guest to, Dr. Stephen M Yulish is the author of many books including The Great Harpazo Deception, Invasion Israel and many others. He was a member of the research group NICAP in the 1960s after reading Project Bluebook. He studied astronomy and exobiology at Case Western Reserve University and graduated in 1969. He eventually became a History Professor at The University of Arizona for seven years where he visited Allen Hyneck’s Tucson group. He became interested in Bible prophecy after he had a head on collision with Jesus Christ in 1988.
Understand how the humankind is the focus of a great spritual war that will involve deception on a massive scale. Guest writer Stephen Yulish outlines the ultimate reality spin. Click below to read this entire article. –
UFOs and China’s Space Attacks – Moving Towards the Nuclear Apocalypse and World Deception
January 21, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Politics, War and Economics, UFOs and Bible Prophecy
This last week saw two events that seem to be unrelated. On January 11, China launched a ballistic missile to destroy a target satellite in a demonstration of its ability to defeat U.S. satellites designed to detect and defend against nuclear attack. Also, hot on the heels of the highly published Chicago Airport UFO, on January 9, the media again picked up that an Air Force Colonel sighted a formation of UFOs flying over Arkansas. What’s even more interesting than the UFO sightings themselves is the mainstream media reporting on these events.
So how is this increased media discussion of UFOs related to China’s anti-satellite weapons test?
It is clear the world is moving towards a nuclear war; China’s aggressive actions are especially provocative since North Korea, Iran, Russia are all becoming increasingly aggressive toward the United States. As I reported back in December, China’s space weapons are focused to “blind” the US so we cannot detect or defend against a nuclear attack. If that wasn’t enough, On January 7, Israel deliberately leaked to the media that it plans to use tactical nuclear weapons to defeat Iran’s nuclear bomb threat. The world waits for the mushroom clouds; TV shows like Jericho and 24 add to the public frenzy. The world asks, who can save us from this?
This is where the UFOs and the growing tendency of the mainstream media to report on them fits in. As I have explained in previous articles, many are looking to so-called “aliens” to “save us from ourselves.” They expect these beings to help stop a nuclear war. If one or more nuclear weapons are used in the coming months or years, this belief will spread beyond a few kooky new-agers to become a much more mainstream view as UFO sightings become more common.
I believe a great deception is coming. Many truly unexplained UFOs are a manifestations of extremely malevolent, highly advanced, multidimensional entities called fallen angels. As we approach the prophetic events predicted by the Bible, these arch-enemies of Jesus Christ are going to do everything in their power, which is considerable, to prevent people from believing in God. These recent high profile sightings are a deliberate attempt to get noticed; as this conflict continues to heat up, expect more weird sightings.
Finally, the “aliens” may even stop or reduce a nuclear exchange, making them appear to be mankind’s saviors. In recent months, Iran has been in the grip of UFO frenzy – with UFOs seen over their nuclear facilities. Those who think these are UFOs are U.S. craft are not informed; there is no reason our stealthy aircraft would make themselves visible in this fashion.
But don’t be fooled; these beings are not out for our good, as they are the very definition of evil.
When Christ decides to remove those who believe on him from the Earth, these beings will attempt to explain this great disappearance away as caused by “extraterrestrials.” Their power is considerable, they are not just spirit beings, they have high technology and will fool many. However, their days are numbered, as Christ will return to judge. You cannot remain on the fence during this upcoming conflict; please choose Christ before it is too late.
UFO over Chicago Airport – Prophetic Deception Closer?
January 2, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
The mainstream media usually stays away from UFO reports like the plague, but over this holiday weekend most mainstream media picked up on a November 7 sighting at Chicago’s O’Hare airport by various United employees, including pilots, crew, and ground personnel.
A flying saucerlike object hovered low over O’Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon. Chicago Tribune, January 1 2007
The event was first reported to the National UFO Reporting Network on December 12, but the Chicago Tribune picked up the story after interviewing witnesses and an investigation revealed the FAA had been contacted even though the agency first denied it.
Like United, the FAA originally told the Tribune that it had no information on the alleged UFO sighting. But the federal agency quickly reversed its position after the newspaper filed a Freedom of Information Act request. Chicago Tribune, January 1 2007
Since it is unlikely a secret military craft would hover over the second busiest airport in the world, and the FAA’s explanation that the craft was a weather phenomenon is even more ridiculous, this sighting is extremely dramatic and suggests an orchestrated demonstration.
From a prophetic standpoint, legitimate, unexplained UFOs and alien abductions are most certainly a physical manipulation by the highly intelligent malevolent multidimensional entities called the fallen angels in the Bible (for more info see this article). As we grow closer to the prophetic removal of the believers in Jesus Christ from this earth, the forces of darkness may well explain this event away via UFO’s and “aliens” in an attempt to deceive those who might believe on Christ. These brazen UFO sightings and resultant media reports may become more frequent as these beings manipulate the world perception and try to force the hand of the U.S. government to reveal the existence of these craft, especially if prophetic events, such as a widespread war in the Middle East draws nearer. Expect to see these entities orchestrate the actions of world governments by alternating roles of friend and foe.
The “ET” Deception of World Peace
March 27, 2006 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
It is my view that fallen angels, members of the demonic realm, masquading as “extraterrestrials” may well be the catalyst that creates the one-world religion used by the anti-christ during the last few years before the return of Christ. When this will be, I have no idea, but one can see now many new-age movements view ETs as the savior of mankind and the usher of world peace. is a portal for this viewpoint. The agenda is that same old argument that ETs are here to help us protect us from ourselves. This argument does not make sense in light of the odd, deceptive actions (abductions and potential genetic tampering) of these so-called “peaceful civilizations.” Despite the new-agers’ concern with the “enlightened” world, they seem unable to discern that these beings are physical manifestations from a spiritual plane, and resemble, in their tampering with humans, fallen angels described in the Bible thousands of years ago. Here is the party line that is being fed to the masses from
Advanced, ethical extraterrestrial civilizations have been visiting the earth with increased frequency since the dawn of the atomic age due to their concerns over the long term effects of nuclear weapons testing and war. Extensive evidence
supports testimony from a number of ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘contactees’ that some of these extraterrestrial civilizations specifically approached world governments to ask for an end to nuclear weapons development due to dangers yet unknown to our scientists. Dangers which were (and still are) affecting the global environment, all species on the planet, and the fabric of time-space itself.
There is further compelling evidence that visiting extraterrestrials have acted to mitigate the most severe aspects of military conflict, environmental degradation and weaponization of space; offering non-carbon energy alternatives; raising human consciousness; and have been actively promoting world peace through ‘citizen diplomats’. This international conference will host a select group of experts, dignitaries, and ‘citizen diplomats’ to address a variety of key issues concerning the relationship between extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace. The conference will produce a ‘Declaration’ and an ‘Action Plan’ for how humanity can cooperate with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations to achieve world peace.
One can imagine that following a world war, the earth will be ripe for the false hope and peace these deceptive beings will bring. These scriptures may have been discussing such deceptions:
2nd Thessalonians 2:9
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lieMatthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
UFOs and Fallen Angels
February 4, 2006 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
I continue to read material regarding my UFO theorem, but my essay notes are going slow. I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but In reading writers such as L.A. Marzulli, and his predecessor I.D.E. Thomas I have been shown an interesting possible connection regarding abduction phenomena. Whitley Striber’s money making not withstanding, the post War World II abduction accounts are very numerous, with people from all backgrounds, not just insane new-agers. Marzulli starts with the history of the fallen angels and examine several passages in both the canonized Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls “Book of Enoch.” I’ve looked at the references, including looking at the original Hebrew words using Strong’s reference texts, and they are Interesting. In brackets I’ve placed Strong’s reference of the Hebrew word below.
Genesis 6:4
There were giants* in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God** came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.*[nphiyl nef-eel’ or nphil: a bully or tyrant:–giant.]
** [elohiym el-o-heem’ p: gods in the ordinary sense:–angels]
The Book of Enoch describe and names these inter-dimensional beings and how they create some sort of hybrid giants:
Book of Enoch 6:1-8
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’ And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.
The book goes on to describe the offspring of this tampering as horrible giants; this correlates with the canonized accounts of these “Nephilim”
The basic assertion by Marzulli is that these fallen angels have returned and as part of their plan are harvesting human and animal genetic material to create a new type hybrid for their purposes. He maintains UFOs are the method the fallen angels choose to create a sort of “Alien Gospel” so they decieve many to believe that they, who masquerade as aliens, created mankind. I think this is interesting, since it seems that UFOs are derived from our own Science Fiction; which in my hypothesis is the partial source of the ET “costume.”
Marzulli goes into detail about why UFOs appeared in great numbers during WWII; he maintains that Hitler and the Third Reich were tied into the occult and performed a massive Satanic sacrifice (the Holocaust) which was sufficient to open a portal and allow these beings in. Marzulli notes he got the idea of the Holocaust as being a Satanic sacrifice from the book Twisted Cross: The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich by Doris Bergen. This idea of how sacrifice can open doors to the spiritual planes of existence and our own Earth is significant in light of how important sacrifice has been to religion and its attempts at opening communication. Could the need for continued sacrifice explain in part cattle mutilations by these fallen ones? Refer to this Post for more information on this.
While this is highly speculative, I do find the description of these beings who mess with human genetics interesting and one possible explanation for the residual abduction phenomenon that cannot be explained by other means.
‘Nuff said,
Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men
December 4, 2005 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men
A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials
by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark
This book provides compelling examples of how the UFO problem is very much linked with the supernatural in terms of how the craft act, their mimicry of both real and fictional human technology. The concept of RUFO, Residual Unidentified Flying Objects, provides a solution for many of the behavior of both the craft and their supposed biological inhabitants. This examination draws the reader to a stunning conclusion on how demonic entities are preparing for the prophetic battles of the between God and his angels by fooling a world population into believing that extraterrestrial biological visitors are behind these visitations, manifestations, and abductions. Even if you still accept the chance for biological life in the universe, the transient nature of both the craft, the action of the so-called aliens, and the association of occult elements with this phenomenon points to a plan by God’s arch enemies to use the new age frenzy around these atmospheric signs and wonders to both explain away God calling his believers home to him, and to subsequently unite the world religions in around a false messiah. A pivotal work.
Despite the well researched aspects of the work, it makes blanket statements regarding the UFO phenomena that simply do not work with the records of the more compelling accounts. The authors’ premise that only those involved in the occult can be attacked by these demons/ETs does not make sense in the light of the such impressive accounts such as the 1972 Coyne National Guard helicopter abduction, 1948 Thomas Mantell P-51 crash and other, especially military, events.
Beyond the book, the idea that demons were behind the UFO/Alien/Abuduction phenenomena is someting that I have been mulling around in my head since about 1990. In the context of the Bible, Angels are very much “extraterrestrial” but they are not limited to our dimensions as biological entities. The Torah and the Bible are clear that angels can manfiest themselves to appear as human. Realizing that demons and their leader Satan are simply “fallen” angels; they made war with God and one third of the angels were cast out of “heaven.” The Bible describes Satan as the “Prince of the power of the air” in Ephesians 2:2. With this theory, many aspects of “high strangeness” begin to be at least understood. Much more on this could be said, and I’ll do a full posting or multiple postings on my belief regarding this subject.