The Organized Crime Syndicate with Nuclear Weapons
November 27, 2006 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Politics, War and Economics
What if the world’s largest organized crime syndicate had control one of the world’s most powerful nuclear weapons delivery network?
This comic-book scenario is in fact what has happened with Russia. Russia’s Putin is effectively the world’s most powerful crime boss, and he’s acting like one. This year two high profile assassinations have made headlines. First high profile journalist Anna Politkovskaya, longtime critic of Putin, and now Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian Federal Security Service member turned Putin critic and co-author of “Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within.” Litvinenko’s death, since he sought asylum in the UK, demanded more high-tech methods; he was killed with a highly concentrated radioactive isotope polonium-210, what Litvinenko’s father called a “tiny nuclear bomb.” However, these deaths are just the ones making headlines; the Russian crime boss is undertaking a policy of assassination and widespread intimidation against critics. This U.S. government report describes the rise of organized crime in Russian politics since the transition from the Soviets.
So why worry? This is no ordinary crime syndicate. Russia, with new oil and crime money, is building it’s nuclear armed forces. This buildup is going unnoticed in the west. While the Soviets were more ideologically driven, this new Russia is even more volatile, as it seeks money and power as objectives. This has prompted Russia to join forces with the highest bidder, in this case Iran’s Islamic extremist dictator. The Russian connection with the Iranian nuclear effort is clear, and recently Iran and Russia are more openly pushing their close relationship. Russia recently sold Iran the most sophisticated anti-missle system in the world.
The most interesting aspect here is this alliance was predicted in the Bible, in the ancient book of Ezekiel over 2,500 years ago. In Ezekiel 38–39 Magog, the descendants of modern day Russia, join forces with Persia (Iran) and other nations in an attack on Israel. Now Russia is becoming increasingly more hostile to Israel, while cementing ties with the very nations mentioned in this ancient text. A wise person should pay attention and watch as this prophetic situation unfolds. Russia, the crime syndicate with nuclear weapons, is the one to watch.
Appeasement as World War Looms
November 19, 2006 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Politics, War and Economics
I’m not going to sugar-coat this. In a move eerily similar to Chamberlain’s failed “peace” mission just prior to Word War II and the first Holocaust, the Debka file has reported that the Tony Blair will be conducting meetings with Syrian officials in Damascus, preparing for a similar ill-conceived mission by the U.S. With the Bush administration self-destructing it now appears that the policy of appeasement will be followed. Even a so-called “Evangelical” mega-church pastor Rick Warren has joined in this very misguided and confused effort of appeasement. This is in the face of Gaza being used by Iran and Syria as yet another proxy war. Syria continues to assassinate any Lebanese leader who speaks against the Syrian takeover of this state. Ignoring the obvious evil, these appeasers only contribute to the death by encouraging Syrian and Iranian dictators. The U.N. did not waver from its anti-Semitic stance by condemning Israel for defending its citizens while terrorists joyfully lob rockets into Israel, killing civilians. Now much of the Jewish world is bracing for the escalating war as the enemy smells fear. This event is shaping up to be worldwide as North Korea and Iran are now openly joining forces.
Global Warming and Climate Change – Cosmic Rays vs. Humans
November 1, 2006 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Politics, War and Economics, Science
In an earlier post I noted how there are peer-reviewed scientific studies that suggest solar activity is related to Global Warming. Now there are studies that suggest high energy cosmic rays can influence the climate. In Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences the “Experimental evidence for the role of ions in particle nucleation under atmospheric conditions” describes how levels of cosmic rays dramatically affect cloud formation. Since lower cosmic ray level result in less sun-shielding clouds; hence more heat.
The bottom line is that this kind of valid scientific analysis suggest the climate change picture is far more complex that human-caused “greenhouse gases.” The unfortunate reality is these studies are not being discussed by either the media or the political dialog in Washington or Europe. As a result, with Global Warming, people are being sold an ideologically driven belief sanctioned by the government. As the evidence mounts, it is clear that “Big Science” has lost all sense of objectivity in favor of the funding carrot of the politically motivated eco-religion.
A missing link in climate theory
The experimental results lend strong empirical support to the theory proposed a decade ago by Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen that cosmic rays influence Earth’s climate through their effect on cloud formation. The original theory rested on data showing a strong correlation between variation in the intensity of cosmic radiation penetrating the atmosphere and the amount of low-altitude clouds. Cloud cover increases when the intensity of cosmic rays grows and decreases when the intensity declines.
It is known that low-altitude clouds have an overall cooling effect on the Earth’s surface. Hence, variations in cloud cover caused by cosmic rays can change the surface temperature. The existence of such a cosmic connection to Earth’s climate might thus help to explain past and present variations in Earth’s climate.
Interestingly, during the 20th Century, the Sun’s magnetic field which shields Earth from cosmic rays more than doubled, thereby reducing the average influx of cosmic rays. The resulting reduction in cloudiness, especially of low-altitude clouds, may be a significant factor in the global warming Earth has undergone during the last century. However, until now, there has been no experimental evidence of how the causal mechanism linking cosmic rays and cloud formation may work.
‘Many climate scientists have considered the linkages from cosmic rays to clouds to climate as unproven,’ comments Eigil Friis-Christensen, who is now Director of the Danish National Space Center. ‘Some said there was no conceivable way in which cosmic rays could influence cloud cover. The SKY experiment now shows how they do so, and should help to put the cosmic-ray connection firmly onto the agenda of international climate research.’
Publication data
Published online in “Proceedings of the Royal Society Aâ€, October 3rd
Title: ‘Experimental Evidence for the role of Ions in Particle Nucleation under Atmospheric Conditions’.
Authors: Henrik Svensmark, Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, Nigel Marsh, Martin Enghoff and Ulrik Uggerhøj.
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