U.K. Airline Pilot UFO Sighting – Moving towards Deceptive Disclosure
June 24, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
In a parallel path, as prophetic events in the middle east move towards global war, highly publicized UFO sightings are on the rise with the report last week from British Airline pilots of two huge craft over the English Channel. This event was once again headline news on mainstream media such as Fox News. All of this pushes us to an orchestrated event, “official disclosure,” where world governments publicly admit that the UFO phenomena is more than swamp gas and the planet Venus.
Governments are beginning to move towards this disclosure. The UK’s Ministry of Defense announced that it will be putting its UFO case investigation files on a publicly available web site. The UK joins other nations making public their official UFO case files and claim they are simply responding to a huge public demand for information on the subject of UFOs.
It is no accident that all of this is occurring. UFO sightings by reliable witnesses such as commercial air crews and military personnel are being reported to the public in a big way. Moreover, the manifestations of this phenomena in heavily trafficked commercial airspace point to deliberate “showcasing” by the entities behind this phenomena. It is clear they want the press.
While it is great to have official case files to view, the danger in “disclosure” is that it is not necessarily a disclosure of the truth. Disclosure will likely be “spun” as a tacit endorsement of the standard view that those behind UFO sightings are simply biological extraterrestrials, most of who are out for our own good. This is the view the well funded and positioned exopolitic political action movement is pushing. The evidence points to something very different and when mated with historical accounts, suggests a multidimensional terrestrial phenomena that is based on trickery and manipulation toward very evil ends.
God vs. High Technology Weapons
June 15, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
One of the most amazing Biblical prophecies involves the uniting of the world’s armies to attack God see (Revelation 17:14). On the surface it may seem impossible that the world’s armies would ever truly unite and would do something as inane as attacking the creator of the universe.
However, consider this statement by Ronald Reagan, spoken in Maryland on December 4, 1985:
. . . if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species, from another planet, outside in the universe. We’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.
— Ronald Regan
If the world perceived an extraterrestrial attack, it would react in a unified manner.
In fact, serious studies by military analysts have recently been published on modeling just such an ET threat. Authored by four respected scientists and professors who work with the U.S. government and Defense Department, An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion details the possibly of an ET invasion and possible responses to this threat. It is very interesting that the subject of fighting alien invaders is being taken seriously by some in the defense community. Since the late 1800’s Science Fiction mass-media really pushes the idea of an alien threat. With over 120 years of such cultural conditioning we all have the “Alien Threat” built into our perception. With a Biblical lens, it is easy to see how this perception could be used to rally the world against the returning Christ. This could especially be the case if the world accepts the existence of ETs along with the possibility that fallen angels masquerading as ETs themselves would “spin” Christ’s return, deceiving the nations to encourage a futile attack against Christ. For more information on this, refer to my article “The Various Sides of ET Deception.”
Media Reference – Dr. Travis Taylor, Dr. Bob Boan Interview in Richard Syrett Show (Real Media)
China and Russia Prepare Together for War Against the U.S.
June 5, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Politics, War and Economics
On June 1 it was announced that China and Russia are conducting joint military exercises. While Russia’s Putin was announcing the start of a new Cold War and testing sophisticated new ICBMs designed to penetrate missile defense systems, China has been quietly spending billions on developing a first-strike nuclear sneak attack capability. What’s even worse for the U.S., is that unlike the Cold War of the 20th century, these
well funded enemies of the United States are working together. We are in a very dangerous period for the U.S., and this is not a good time to have appeasement orientated leaders in charge in the U.S.
New Google Video Film on UFO Connection to Fallen Angels
June 1, 2007 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
There is a compelling recent film by Canadian Ali Siadatan on the broad connection between the fallen angels, ufos, abduction phenomena, and the general trends outlined by Biblical prophecy. The film, UFOs, Angels, and God, features abduction expert Dr. David Jacobs, Biblical scholar Chuck Missler, and many other notables covering Ufology and Biblical Prophecy.
Link to Google Video – UFOs, Angeles, and God >>
Link to Ali Siadatan Interview on Richard Syrett Show (Real Media )