Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural Update – An Interview with L.A. Marzulli
January 28, 2008 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under Interviews, LA Marzulli, UFOs and Bible Prophecy
As part of a new, continuing DryWind.net series, we have interviewed Dr. L. A. Marzulli, who provided us with an update on the rise of supernatural events, UFO sightings, and how they relate to the changing political and, most importantly, prophetic events going on around us. Marzulli discusses it all here; with a compelling update on the Stephenville, Texas UFO events of the last month, he makes it clear it is time for us to wake up to the coming deception.
Click Here – Dr. LA Marzulli Interview – Jan 27 – 2008 ( MP3 – 43 minutes – 19 MB)
Dr. L.A. Marzulli
– Columnist to DryWind.net, Dr. L.A. Marzulli is the best selling author of the Nephilim trilogy. He received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Biblical subject of the Nephilim. Marzulli’s new book, Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural, further expands on his considerable research in the subject of UFOs, Abduction Phenomena, and genetic manipulation from the grounding of solid Biblical prophecy. Marzulli came to know Jesus Christ after the disillusion and deception of New Age spiritualism. View his website at SprialOfLife.com
Cattle Mutilations – Do UFOs need to Sacrifice?
January 8, 2008 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
—Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm A Kelleher PhD and George Knapp
The above quote from Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm A Kelleher PhD and George Knapp is a true account of unexplained cattle mutilations that occurred along with bizarre mixture of UFO activity and supernatural events on a remote ranch in Utah in the mid and late 1990s. A team of scientific researchers, who themselves witnessed much of this strange activity, were at a loss to explain why UFOs were associated with such mutilations.
While some cattle mutilations may be the work of humans, many others remain unexplained by researchers, law enforcement, and the ranchers themselves. Cattle Mutilations are serious business. This UFO-related phenomena has hit the lucrative cattle industry, and its influential lobby has involved the highest law enforcement agency, the FBI. In these unexplained cases, besides strange aerial objects, the quickness of the mutilation is matched by the lack of predator tracks, the surgical precision of the mutilation, and the weird removal of internal organs along with blood. One may ask, why would the inhabitants of UFOs do such a thing?
Yet the precise removal of internal organs and the draining of blood is also the hallmark of the ritualistic slaughter of animal used for religious sacrifice. Sacrifice is strongly associated with removing the barrier between our physical reality and the spiritual realm. Refer to this quote from the Old Testament and note how the sacrificial procedure has resemblance to modern day cattle mutilations
And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD; the fat thereof, and the whole rump, it shall he take off hard by the backbone; and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards, . . .
–Leviticus 3:6-9
While a major function of sacrifice in ancient Judaism is the atonement of sin, this atonement is a means to an end; it enables a communication between God and man, between the spiritual and physical. Note in this quote from Exodus how the sacrifice enables God to commune with man.
An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.
–Exodus 20:24
The ultimate sacrifice occurs with Jesus, who as the pure son of God, volunteered to be sacrificed as the ultimate atonement for man. When his death and sacrifice was achieved, the veil that separated the Jewish temple’s Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple was miraculously torn in two. This barrier was quite thick, being thicker than the deepest carpet, so its tearing by an unseen force would require great power.
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
— Matthew 27:50-52
Furthermore, after Jesus comes back to life, his death has enabled the very spirit of God to come into the world, called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, that is the basis of miracles that continue to enable believers to this day.
These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
–John 14:25-26
Yet sacrifice is apparently used not only by God, but by dark forces as well to enable the opening of “portals” between the spiritual and the physical. As Dr. Bill Lanning, a scholar of religious studies notes the common practice of sacrifice in universal human attempts at spiritual communication.
1. Sacrifice usually entails the giving up or destruction (e.g., burning) of something, animate or inanimate, human, animal, or vegetable in order to cause it to pass from human possession to that of the divine
2. Original sacrifices seem to have involved animal and/or human sacrifices, because the spirits as well as humans need the vitality and strength present in life and blood
3. Sacrifice may be performed to seek reconciliation with a divinity
4. Sacrifice may be performed to placate the gods; thus considered to be propitiatory
–Dr. Bill Lanning, Course Notes, Department of Religious Studies, University of Houston
Sacrifice is used, then, as a wide practice in the non-Judaic religions as well for the purpose of enabling the manifestation of spirits into the physical realm.
So where does this leave us with cattle mutilations? I and many others believe that UFOs are physical manifestations of interdimensional or spiritual beings that are absolutely in the antithesis to God and good. We believe that the a certain group of fallen angels mentioned in the Bible have returned. These beings have technology and science far superior to our own. Refer to this post. The author L.A. Marzulli believes that the vast increase in UFO activity in the 1940s and to the present day was ushered somehow by Hitler’s deliberate satanic sacrifice of over 6 million people, especially Jews. He outlines this in his Nephilim Trilogy. Marzulli notes he got the idea of the Holocaust as being a Satanic sacrifice from the book Twisted Cross: The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich by Doris Bergen. He believes this somehow created a portal that opened up the UFO phenomena. If this is true, and UFOs depend in part on the sacrificial mechanism to enable manifestation, then cattle mutilations may be used by these devious beings to cross dimensions somehow. This leads to many questions, such as why cattle? Sacrifice does seem to involve animals that are preferably without blemish or pure. Much of the mutilation phenomena often involve high-end animals that have been bred to be pure in the sense of physical form. High end cattle are specifically selected to be free of genetic disease and possess superior “blood.”
Since sacrifice and cattle mutilations involves the removal of blood, blood seems to play a strong role in the action of this mechanism to create a portal from the spiritual to the physical. In both quantity and genetic quality there is no more common source than a large cow. This availability and trait would make them a common source “for the taking.” The removal of certain organs, especially the reproductive organs is mysterious. Certain organs may be pivotal in this transformation, as we have seen with the specific references in Judaic sacrifice to the use of the rump. It is also possible that these beings may be using the tissue for some harvesting or genetic manipulation purpose as well. This area deserves much more scrutiny by serious researchers.
The Various Sides of ET Deception
January 3, 2008 by DrywindAuthor
Filed under UFOs and Bible Prophecy
In an earlier post I noted how otherwise unexplained accounts of Extraterrestrial (ETs) visitations may be related to Biblical and historical accounts of fallen angels. In another post I noted a New Age deception claims that ETs would solve the world’s problems and are a force to save the earth from human action.
However, the way the entities manifest themselves to mankind presents a far more complex picture that simply masquerading as saviors. I believe a complex deception is occurring where fallen angels and their minions are masquerading as “good ETs” vs “bad ETs”. In popular culture this is a well know method of human manipulation called “good cop and bad cop” and it keeps an individual off balance to achieve the desired response. This same manipulation technique could be used for entire nations, and it sheds new light on how nations of the earth will be made to play out the prophetic scenario predicted by the Bible.
Please note when I discuss “good” and “bad” ETs I am talking about how they present themselves to humankind; I feel in all UFO and abduction cases, ETs are or are associated with fallen angels and are therefore against God and are evil incarnate.
Based on the accounts of ET contactees, serious researchers see multiple ET “races” with varying intentions. On the “good” side the tall, blond human-like Nordics are presented as more positive. What follows is one of the many positive descriptions of the Nordics by abductees:
Smaller amounts of people have reported their abductors as tall, blond haired, blue-eyed Humanoids called the Nordics. Medical examinations and experiments by this group are said to be far less traumatic and painful. One such abductee who has learned to accept and even embrace his captors is David E. Caywood of Dearborn, Michigan. One of the well-known cases, it is probably one of the best examples with unexplained evidence left behind. A claimed abductee since a child, he prefers to be called an experiencer. He describes his Nordic abductors fondly and accepts their Theosophical beliefs.
Refer to (http://www.echoesofenoch.com/abductions.htm)
In contrast to the way the Nordics present themselves, there are the entities that seem to go out of their way to be negative and distasteful, even to the New Age community. These are the “Grays,” a familiar image in pop culture, and they are common entities involved in the recognized abduction phenomena.
Some believe they [the Grays] are dangerous and attend only to their own desires and agenda. They believe the Grays to be chronic liars. They display no emotion and comprehend human emotions only on an observable level. They look at humans much the same way as a farmer may look at his cows. They see humans as inferior beings. They are quite capable of killing humans for the desired fluids as sustenance. In third world nations there have even been human mutilations reported much in the same manner as many cattle have been found.
The division of ETs into the “good guys” and the “bad guys” is furthered from a pervasive claim that there is a war between the good Nordics and the bad Grays along with reptilian entities know as the “Reptilians.” Refer to (http://www.burlingtonnews.net/nordics.html)
With a Biblical perspective on these dimensional entities, including the Genesis 6 account and the related accounts of the devious ET-like “Watchers” in the pseudepigraphal Book of Enoch, there is no other conclusion that they are enemies with the creator of the universe; the are most likely fallen angels themselves or a product of their manipulations. The so-called “good” Nordics, with their public-relation friendly appearance still reportedly perform abductions medical and possible genetic manipulation on their subjects. Like the Grays, they are chronic liars. They are reported to preach the “Alien Gospel”; that they are here on earth for our own good and push a universalist theophosy that essentially claims there is no evil, only guilt and that there are many roads to “god.” Despite their power, their specific predictions of near future events are often incorrect. Furthermore, the Nordics’ own story about themselves has changed over time; in the 1950’s they claimed to be from Venus; in the 1970s they claimed to be from Pleiades. Refer to (http://www.echoesofenoch.com/meetthenordics.htm and http://www.burlingtonnews.net/nordics.html).
The Nordics, Grays, Reptilians are merely useful players in an overall deception, contributing to a confusion for as James 3:16 says “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” It is important to remember that some of the most respected, secular UFO researchers note these beings and their craft are “paraphysical” and “hyperdimensional.” Whether they appear to us as Nordics or Grays, they are able to change their appearance and shape as needed to suite their ends. These beings are spiritual and yet are capable of entering our reality in a physical way. In a modern understanding, they can transcend into and beyond our reality into other dimensions that are unknown to us. It is entirely possible they can assume a physical appearance with the same ease you and I put on a costume. Refer to J. Allen Hyneck (Edge of Reality, 1975, 12-13); Jacques Vallee (Dimensions, 1988, 143-144); John Mack (Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, 1994, 404-405)
So where is all this leading? This is a complex manipulation against God’s plan for this world. Revelation predicts that the armies of the world will gather to make war against the returning Christ (Revelation 17:14). This could only be if the warring nations perceive a universal threat. Consider this statement by Ronald Reagan, spoken in Maryland before the students and faculty of Fallston High School on December 4, 1985:
I couldn’t help but–one point in our discussions privately with General Secretary Gorbachev–when you stop to think that we’re all God’s children, wherever we may live in the world, I couldn’t help but say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species, from another planet, outside in the universe. We’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.
The deliberate misinformation and deception by these fallen entities may cause the nations of the earth to go on a war footing against an extraterrestrial threat. When Christ returns it will be apparent to all on the earth, suggesting a brilliant coming that is from space into the high atmosphere down to the earth (Matthew 24:29-31). One can envision that the nations either perceiving all ET presence as a threat, or urged on by the “good” ETs, will in futility turn their weaponry on the true Messiah returning in power and glory. In my opinion, these verses in Psalm 118:10-12 describe this pathetic and futile and Satanically inspired attack on the returning Christ – who is the very creator of the universe:
All nations surrounded me, But in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
They surrounded me, Yes, they surrounded me; But in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
They surrounded me like bees; They were quenched like a fire of thorns; For in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.[Psa 118:10-12 NKJV]